Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Nature Soldiers

Eli, Henry, Kody, and Xander were having a sleep over together. "Let's pick a movie for tonight," said Eli. Right when they accidentally turned on the News, the News Reporter said that a small meteorite hit the Earth. In their park.

"We should go there!" said Henry and Kody at the same time. Eli shook his head, and said, "No, it's too many dangers to think of!" Xander agreed with Henry and Kody, so Eli had to come. They ran out the door so Eli's dad would not see them. When they got to the meteorite that hit Earth, they saw a markings on it, in the shape of a Lion, a wolverine, Eagle, and wolf. I feel like I should touch that, thought Eli.
Eli touched the lion, Kody touched the wolf, Henry touched the wolverine and Xander touched the Eagle. Suddenly, all four boys heard a voice that said You four are the chosen ones. "I am not the only one hearing this, right?" said Eli. The other four shook their heads. "Henry," the voice said, "your animal is a Wolverine, tough and powerful". Just then a light shined on Henry. Then Henry started growing fur and claws and sharp teeth. Soon Henry started to become a Wolverine. The voice said, "Kody, your animal is a wolf, never willing to give up"
The light shined on Kody, then he grew fur and teeth, and Kody became a Wolf.  "Xander" the voice said, "your animal is an Eagle, never willing to stop looking out for your friends in need". Then Xander grew a beak and feathers and he became an Eagle. The voice said "Eli, your animal is a Lion,because you are all of them, that's why I am making you the leader", The light shined on Eli and he started growing a mane and claws, then Eli became a Lion.

Chapter 2                        🐾  A New Home🐾

"Oh my gosh!" Eli said, "I'm a Lion!" "Oh really?" said Henry, "you're not the one who got the rodent-  I'm a Wolverine, for heaven sacks!" "Stop! You four have a gift." said the voice. "I will help you use your  powers, first I will teach you to turn back into a human. Take a deep breath".The four did what the voice said. Now say, "The Nature Soldiers". "The Nature Soldiers," the four echoed back. Suddenly they slowly shrunk into human size, and grew human heads, arms, and legs. Soon all four animals turned to human. "Now I will help you in person" the voice said.

Suddenly the light that the voice was became a shadow coming towards them. Then the shadow looked like a human. "I am Kormomu, the wizard of animals and this is your training deck", "What training deck" Henry said, "This one!" Kormomu rose his arms the ground shock with force and stones rose from the ground and all around them a monastery. "This is kind of like a base," said Kody. "Yes, it is" said Kormomu, "this is were you train, eat, and have meeting. All of you take this necklace, it will make a animal sound when I need you, and that animal sound is your animal".

"I can't believe this!" said the four at the same time.

Chapter 3                             🐾A Save For Kormomu🐾

In school we were doing a history test when suddenly Eli, Henry, Kody, and Xander's necklaces made their animal sounds. "Can I go to go to the bath room?" asked Kody. "Ok, but you have to go quickly," said Ms. Jane, "Can I go get a drink?" said Henry,  "OOoow! My leg! Can I go to the nurse?" asked Xander, "Ok but you need a buddy to go with you." "I will go!" said Eli.

The thing that Ms. Jane did not know was that all four boys were meeting in the bathroom. "Ok, let's do this," said Eli. "1..2..3... Nature Soldier's!" they said together. They all turned into their animals. They ran to the base and saw flames covering it. "Ow no, Kormomu!" said Eli. "I smell him, he's alive.  Xander, you and Kody will take out the fire, me and Henry will go get Kormomu," And they were off.

Xander was scanning the park and saw a hose that Kody could get and take out the fire. "Kody!" Xander said, "I see a hose that you can use!" Kody saw what Xander was talking about, and grabbed it with his jaw and ran right to the fire. Meanwhile, in the fire Eli could not see a thing. "Do you see him?" "No!" said Henry. "Wait I'm a lion, what am I doing?" Soon Eli could see everything. Suddenly Eli saw something moving in the fire. It was Kormomu! "Henry, get on my back!" "What?" said Henry, "just do it!" "OK, but don't tell me I did not worn you!"Henry jumped on Eli. Eli ran through the fire like a tornado. Kormomu looked up with a grin, Henry bit Kormomu's clock with his jaw. Eli could feel the fire on his mane. Suddenly everything went black.

Chapter 4                           🐾The Future🐾

Eli opened his eyes- he was in the base! "Finally!" said Henry. "You're awake!" "Thank you for saving me Henry and Eli", said Kormomu. "and thank you for putting out the fire, Kody and Xander". Eli got up from his bed and looked in the mirror and noticed that he was in human form and that there was a scar on his forehead that looked like a flame. "What's that?" he asked. "That's the scar that you risked your life to save me," said Kormomu. BEEEEEP! BEEEEEP! "It's the alarm," said Kody. "Let's go," said Eli.

"Nature Solders!" they said together.

                                                            And They Were Off!
                                                                  They were
                                                        🐾 The Nature Solders🐾