Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Lesson

A long time ago there was an evil selfish warrior named Marshin. His father died in battle and his last raging words were to conquer every kingdom of the land, Marshin was ready to avenge his dad. Marshin had three other brothers Fangtom, Glator, and Zathera, all at his side to do what their father told them to do. Year after year they found their last kingdom to take control of. When they walked in they wanted a fight, but they did not get one instead they found a hallway at the end of it they found a lamp. "Stop! Said a voice. "If you open that lamp you will suffer terrible pain!" "What was that" said Fangtom. Marshin could not help it he wanted to know what was in the lamp. He opened the Lamp, and out came a huge blue gas that circled the brothers, "I am free at last." Then the gas turned into a man with a long beard he locked like a Emperor. "Who are you" asked Marshin. " I am a  Genie." "Wait you can give us any wish, asked Zathera. "Nope" said The Genie. "You have three wishes and the rules are:
One you can't bring someone back from the dead .
Two I can't make someone fall in love.
Three you can't for more wishes oh that reminds me, your third wish you have to share It with someone else." I wish that I conquer all the kingdoms of the world.” So the Genie did what he said, and when he did the spell  Marshin could see all of the kingdoms of the world bow down to him in respect not one castle not one kingdom that was was out of his control, but one problem his dad used all of their money and gold to be a knight, So he was poor. Well that was an easy fix he said, “Genie make me a king.” “Your wish is my command,” said the Genie. Then Marshin  
Felt roble in the ground he closed his eyes because the dust on the floor was going everywhere. Finally he opened his eyes, he thought that he was going to see a dirty old temple, instead he saw the temple transform to a solid gold castle with men lined up in rows ready for their first order from king Marshin. “YES!” said Marshin. “I can do anything I want .” “But for your third wish.” said the Genie. “Oh that reminds me you have to share this wish with someone else.” “Like with us.” said the brothers. Marshin thought for a moment, “No!” “I will not share said Marshin, mad then he ever been. “Genie!” Marshin said. “I wish I was emortle!” The Genie was mad at marshin so he did put the spell on him but also curse on the castle, and when he did the gold castle was now made out of stone and not very well built. When Marshin looked around he saw his brothers frozen in stone, he turned back at the Genie and yelled: “Why did you do this!” The Genie frowned at Marshen and said “Not me You.” and vanished into the sky. Marshin faced something super powerful: unable to die or forget his terrible mistake.

They say he is still alive still trying to undo the curse…………………..but he never did.
                                                                   The End  

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Nature Soldiers

Eli, Henry, Kody, and Xander were having a sleep over together. "Let's pick a movie for tonight," said Eli. Right when they accidentally turned on the News, the News Reporter said that a small meteorite hit the Earth. In their park.

"We should go there!" said Henry and Kody at the same time. Eli shook his head, and said, "No, it's too many dangers to think of!" Xander agreed with Henry and Kody, so Eli had to come. They ran out the door so Eli's dad would not see them. When they got to the meteorite that hit Earth, they saw a markings on it, in the shape of a Lion, a wolverine, Eagle, and wolf. I feel like I should touch that, thought Eli.
Eli touched the lion, Kody touched the wolf, Henry touched the wolverine and Xander touched the Eagle. Suddenly, all four boys heard a voice that said You four are the chosen ones. "I am not the only one hearing this, right?" said Eli. The other four shook their heads. "Henry," the voice said, "your animal is a Wolverine, tough and powerful". Just then a light shined on Henry. Then Henry started growing fur and claws and sharp teeth. Soon Henry started to become a Wolverine. The voice said, "Kody, your animal is a wolf, never willing to give up"
The light shined on Kody, then he grew fur and teeth, and Kody became a Wolf.  "Xander" the voice said, "your animal is an Eagle, never willing to stop looking out for your friends in need". Then Xander grew a beak and feathers and he became an Eagle. The voice said "Eli, your animal is a Lion,because you are all of them, that's why I am making you the leader", The light shined on Eli and he started growing a mane and claws, then Eli became a Lion.

Chapter 2                        🐾  A New Home🐾

"Oh my gosh!" Eli said, "I'm a Lion!" "Oh really?" said Henry, "you're not the one who got the rodent-  I'm a Wolverine, for heaven sacks!" "Stop! You four have a gift." said the voice. "I will help you use your  powers, first I will teach you to turn back into a human. Take a deep breath".The four did what the voice said. Now say, "The Nature Soldiers". "The Nature Soldiers," the four echoed back. Suddenly they slowly shrunk into human size, and grew human heads, arms, and legs. Soon all four animals turned to human. "Now I will help you in person" the voice said.

Suddenly the light that the voice was became a shadow coming towards them. Then the shadow looked like a human. "I am Kormomu, the wizard of animals and this is your training deck", "What training deck" Henry said, "This one!" Kormomu rose his arms the ground shock with force and stones rose from the ground and all around them a monastery. "This is kind of like a base," said Kody. "Yes, it is" said Kormomu, "this is were you train, eat, and have meeting. All of you take this necklace, it will make a animal sound when I need you, and that animal sound is your animal".

"I can't believe this!" said the four at the same time.

Chapter 3                             🐾A Save For Kormomu🐾

In school we were doing a history test when suddenly Eli, Henry, Kody, and Xander's necklaces made their animal sounds. "Can I go to go to the bath room?" asked Kody. "Ok, but you have to go quickly," said Ms. Jane, "Can I go get a drink?" said Henry,  "OOoow! My leg! Can I go to the nurse?" asked Xander, "Ok but you need a buddy to go with you." "I will go!" said Eli.

The thing that Ms. Jane did not know was that all four boys were meeting in the bathroom. "Ok, let's do this," said Eli. "1..2..3... Nature Soldier's!" they said together. They all turned into their animals. They ran to the base and saw flames covering it. "Ow no, Kormomu!" said Eli. "I smell him, he's alive.  Xander, you and Kody will take out the fire, me and Henry will go get Kormomu," And they were off.

Xander was scanning the park and saw a hose that Kody could get and take out the fire. "Kody!" Xander said, "I see a hose that you can use!" Kody saw what Xander was talking about, and grabbed it with his jaw and ran right to the fire. Meanwhile, in the fire Eli could not see a thing. "Do you see him?" "No!" said Henry. "Wait I'm a lion, what am I doing?" Soon Eli could see everything. Suddenly Eli saw something moving in the fire. It was Kormomu! "Henry, get on my back!" "What?" said Henry, "just do it!" "OK, but don't tell me I did not worn you!"Henry jumped on Eli. Eli ran through the fire like a tornado. Kormomu looked up with a grin, Henry bit Kormomu's clock with his jaw. Eli could feel the fire on his mane. Suddenly everything went black.

Chapter 4                           🐾The Future🐾

Eli opened his eyes- he was in the base! "Finally!" said Henry. "You're awake!" "Thank you for saving me Henry and Eli", said Kormomu. "and thank you for putting out the fire, Kody and Xander". Eli got up from his bed and looked in the mirror and noticed that he was in human form and that there was a scar on his forehead that looked like a flame. "What's that?" he asked. "That's the scar that you risked your life to save me," said Kormomu. BEEEEEP! BEEEEEP! "It's the alarm," said Kody. "Let's go," said Eli.

"Nature Solders!" they said together.

                                                            And They Were Off!
                                                                  They were
                                                        🐾 The Nature Solders🐾

Monday, November 21, 2016

Animals of Elements

Bear of Eath
Lion of Fire


Falcon of Snow
Wolf of Wind

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Saber School

a long long time ago in a class far far away
My name is Eli Fisto. My world is not at all like yours,because I am training to become a JEDI KNIGHT.   
And That Is How My Story Begins
"Eli, your breakfast is ready!"called mom. Eli woke up. "You will be late for school!" she said. "What school?" Eli answered. Then Eli just remembered it was the first day of Saber School, school for Jedi younglings. Eli quickly ran down the stairs. He saw his little brother Owen in his room getting ready. Mom called again, "Eli your ship is waiting for you!" Eli ate his breakfast and kissed his Mom and Dad goodbye, and got in the ship with his other classmates. Then he saw a guy sitting next to him. "Hey, whatclass are you in?" he asked Eli. Eli answered he was in master Yodas class. The boy was too. Eli got off the ship, he looked back at the boy and said, "I know I will see you later, bye". Eli went in to the class room and saw so many light sabers. He picked out a red one. Mr. Yoda showed us how to use the Force like a Jedi Knight. Then they went to dueling and because Eli was new they wanted to get him so they did. They threw so many balls that Eli was cornered.
 Then the kid that he saw on the ship was jumping on Eli. Eli had enough of it, so he got his light saber out and got up and sliced every ball in the air, then he told the teacher what they did. Then, the kid that was on the ship with him was amazed with what he saw and he said sorry to Eli and asked to be his best friend forever. Eli said yes.

Chapter 2 Another!
It was winter, for the first time in Saber School, Eli was going down a hill with his new Speeder. It was his turn to go. he took a deep breath and went down the hill. He did not go that fast at first then his Speeder went faster. Suddenly he saw another Speeder heading towards him with someone on it. The two Speeders crashed, CLANG! The person flew up into the air and landed on Eli's speeder. Eli looked behind him and asked him WHAT IS YOUR NAME still on the Speeder. He answered KODY!  The Speeder crashed into the Snow. Eli and Kody laughed so much they could barely breathe. At lunch Eli found out that Henry knew Kody already. They were all best friends.

Chapter 3 Friends to the Future
It was the last day of Saber School and Kody Eli and Henry were on the way home. Eli said good by and got in his ship with Henry and knew that they will be friends forever no matter what.

                                                                      The End

Writers Note My name is Eli to and this is the real story on my 1st day of school but in star wars. My Dad is Kit Fisto how is a powerful Jedi. and Henry and Kody are Ewoks training to become a Jedi. the gym teacher is master Plo Kouwn another famous Jedi Master.

Sunday, July 24, 2016


When I read A New Hope it was one of my favorite Star Wars books. If you haven't read this book, I will tell you all about it.

The book starts with a star destroyer is attacking princess Leia's ship with the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 on it.The Rebels get ready for battle. Storm troopers boarded Leia's ship. The Rebels are now out numbered, so they retreat. C-3PO is looking for R2-D2 and he sees princess Leia putting a disc into R2-D2.The Storm troopers are getting closer. R2-D2 suggested to go to the escape pod, C-3PO disagrees, but when the storm troopers come he quickly changes his mind and goes into the escape pod.The Storm troopers come and the pod fly's away. The princes is captured by Storm Troopers.                                                                                                                                                                           The Storm troopers are taking princess Leia to Darth Vader and they argue for a long time.  The droids land on Tatoinne and they each go in a different direction.  They both get captured by a creature named Jawa.  The Jawa's sell them to Luke Skywalker, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.  Luke finds out that R2-D2 has a message from Princess Leia to Obi Wan Kenobi.  That night, R2-D2 runs away and Luke goes after him.  They get attacked by sand people.  A man named Ben Kenobi helps Luke and Luke learns that Ben Kenobi is actually Obi Wan Kenobi.  Obi Wan takes Luke to his house and talks to him about his father.  Luke finds out that his father was actually a Jedi and Obi Wan offers to train as a Jedi.  Luke agrees and takes Obi Wan to a restaurant.  At the restaurant they meet Han Salo and Chewbacca.  Han and Chewy helop Luke and Obi Wan by letting them go on their ship to Alderaan.

When they get to Alderaan, they find out that it's been completely blown up.  They go to a moon and they find out that the moon is actually a space station called the Death Star.  The Death Star sucks up the Millennium Falcon and everyone in it.  They plan to rescue Princess Leia and shut off the shield generator.  Obi Wan shuts off the generator, but he runs into Darth Vader.  While the two battle, Luke finds Leia and rescues her.  They get stuck in a garbage compacter.  All of a sudden, the two walls start coming together.  Eventually, they get out.  When they get to the Millennium Falcon, Luke sees Obi Wan battling Darth Vader and sees Vader kill Obi Wan.  Luke is very upset.

The gang gets to the rebel base and plan to destroy the Death Star. By himself, Luke blows up the Death Star.  Finally, Chewbacca, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker get their awards from Princess Leia.

I enjoyed this book because it has a lot of action.  My favorite character is Han Solo.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars and recommend to those who like action books.  

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Because of Winn Dixie

Opal came running down and she heard a scream in terror.  It was from the shop, Dixie's Buns. Opal is about 9 or 10. Then she found out that a baker was covered in potatoes in Dixie's Buns. Then she saw something zoom past her.  It left a trail of potatoes and bread crumbs.  She followed it and there was a dog covered in potatoes that had sauce all over it's teeth.  On some parts of his body were spots that didn't have any hair.  There were flies around him and the baker said, "who is this dog?"

Opal said, "it's mine, he got loose".  The baker looked furiously into Opal's eyes and he said, "Keep that dog under control!!!" Also the baker said, "Are you sure it's your dog?"  Opal said, "yes".  The baker said, "Prove it then.  Tell her to come to you and then I'll believe you".  Opal backed away a few spaces back and she tried to think of a name to call the dog, then she saw the sign Winn Dixie Buns, then she remembered when the dog flew through the room and she thought of a name.

"Winn Dixie! Come here, boy" said Opal.  The baker was shocked.  The dog came to Opal, he pulled up his cheeks and then he SMILED.  He smiled so hard that he sneezed.  Then Opal said, "Come here Winn Dixie, let's give you a bath, you're dirty".

After the bath, Opal would see bald spots all over his body, but she couldn't do anything about that.  Then she went to her Dad, the preacher, and she asked him if she could keep Winn Dixie.  The preacher said, "Opal, let me see this dog and then I can choose."  Then suddenly, something came out of the window. Somehow, he flew through the window.  Opal was shocked.  She went outside to see how he went through the window and she found trash cans stacked up to make stairs! Then she went back inside and talked about how she found him.  The preacher asked what his name is.  Opal said, "Winn Dixie."  The preacher said she could keep him.

Opal went to a pet store to see the pet toys that Winn Dixie might like.  There were all kinds of animals there.  Snakes, turtles, cats, and then something said, "DOG!"  Winn Dixie and Opal looked up.  They saw a green and red parrot.  A man rushed in and said, "I'm so sorry about Gertrude!"  Gertrude is the parrot.  Winn Dixie looked confused.  "I named her after the owner who owned this store," said the manager.  A lot of animals liked to see Winn Dixie.  At the store, they found a blue leash and a collar for Winn Dixie.  Opal really wanted to have them.  Winn Dixie looked like he liked them too.  Opal asked the man if she could do chores around the shop to pay off the leash and collar.  The man told her to sweep every afternoon and I'll pay you 25 cents.  She thought that was a perfect deal.

Every afternoon she would sweep the floor, dust the windows, wipe the tables and calm the pets down when they got loud.  Winn Dixie seemed to be very good at that job.  When they went out they saw a little girl and she had her knuckle in her mouth.  She looked like she was about 5.  She was dressed in yellow with a yellow bow on top of her head.  She said, "do you want to come to my party, Opal?" Opal looked confused.  She said, "how did you know my name?" Then the little girl said, "I'm Sweetie Pie and the preacher told me about you.  The preacher and my mom have been friends since your Mom left you".  Opal looked a little happy.  Then Sweetie Pie said, "do you want to come to my party?" and Opal said yes.  Sweetie Pie saw Winn Dixie and she hugged him and he looked like his eyes would pop out.

Opal went to her house and then she saw these two little boys, the Dewberry boys.  The boys were bullies to Opal.  Then she ran to her house and she was ready for the big party for Sweetie Pie.  She went to the party and there was cake, berries, and pictures of dogs.  Opal felt a raindrop and Sweetie Pie said, "I feel like it's going to rain" and suddenly rain started pouring down on them.  Then it started to thunder.  Winn Dixie shot up in the air and ran around and around and across and she disappeared into the woods.  Opal came out with a flashlight and umbrella and she raced out into the dark to find Winn Dixie.  She looked everywhere in the dark.  She saw cars passing super fast.  She was worried that Winn Dixie was in the middle of the road.  Then she went home and started to give up.  She decided to wait until the rain stopped and then go look.  When Opal came back, the preacher was there hanging out with other grown ups. The preacher heard about what went wrong with Winn Dixie and said, "we have a surprise for you". Suddenly, Opal heard a sneeze.  She looked under the chair and there was Winn Dixie, sleeping and smiling at the same time.  The preacher said, "hug him softly, he's sleeping".  Then someone came in the door and it was the pet store owner and he had a guitar and he played a song.  Then Opal felt happy.  The End.

Recommend this book to people who have or like dogs.
I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Survival Guide

  1. How to survive a lion encounter: when you see a lion, stand tall and put your hands above your head and look as fierce as you can.  If the lion charges, stand still, don't blink, don't move a muscle.  If a lion backs off, freeze once more, don't follow it, when it turns around, RUN. And, don't think that's the only lion.  Lions live in groups called prides.  Good luck, you're going to need it.
  2. How to survive a tiger encounter: if a tiger is far away from you, run as fast as you can.  If a tiger is close to you, stay still so it doesn't see you moving.  If you think a tiger is small, you are wrong, they are the biggest cats in the world.  If you're in a place where tigers are around, please turn your head once in awhile.  If you're with people,  stay calm you have more eyes.
  3. How to survive a shark: don't swim in an ocean after dark, sharks usually hunt at night.  Never swim where people are fishing, sharks can smell the blood of an injured fish from a hook.  If you are bleeding in the ocean, get out.  If a shark is coming at you, I know this sounds weird, but slam your fist in the shark's eye or nose.  If you do that, the shark may feel beaten. Swim out of the water immediately.  
  4. How to survive a bear encounter: always walk in a group in bear country.  If you see a bear far away, walk away slowly.  If you're camping out in bear country, hang your food up high so bears can't get it.  If a bear comes toward you, wave your hands up in the air and make a lot of noises (crow! oink! moo! quack!).  Say anything to make you sound fierce.  If that doesn't work, play dead immediately.  Never run away from a bear.  Bears are faster than humans. 
  5. How to survive a gator encounter: just so you know, crocodiles and alligators are not the same thing.  Crocodiles can grow big, but usually alligators are the biggest.  Alligators have a bigger snout for catching mammals.  Crocodiles have a skinnier snout for catching fish.  Crocs have their bottom teeth sticking out.  If you see an alligator, walk away slowly.  Mother gators will attack if they're protecting their eggs.  Back away if a gator takes interest in you.  They will attack quickly.  If it's very close to you, punch it in the nose and RUN.  
Stars: I give this book 5 out of 5 stars because it's very interesting.
Recommend: for people who will be in the wild.