Sunday, July 24, 2016


When I read A New Hope it was one of my favorite Star Wars books. If you haven't read this book, I will tell you all about it.

The book starts with a star destroyer is attacking princess Leia's ship with the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 on it.The Rebels get ready for battle. Storm troopers boarded Leia's ship. The Rebels are now out numbered, so they retreat. C-3PO is looking for R2-D2 and he sees princess Leia putting a disc into R2-D2.The Storm troopers are getting closer. R2-D2 suggested to go to the escape pod, C-3PO disagrees, but when the storm troopers come he quickly changes his mind and goes into the escape pod.The Storm troopers come and the pod fly's away. The princes is captured by Storm Troopers.                                                                                                                                                                           The Storm troopers are taking princess Leia to Darth Vader and they argue for a long time.  The droids land on Tatoinne and they each go in a different direction.  They both get captured by a creature named Jawa.  The Jawa's sell them to Luke Skywalker, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.  Luke finds out that R2-D2 has a message from Princess Leia to Obi Wan Kenobi.  That night, R2-D2 runs away and Luke goes after him.  They get attacked by sand people.  A man named Ben Kenobi helps Luke and Luke learns that Ben Kenobi is actually Obi Wan Kenobi.  Obi Wan takes Luke to his house and talks to him about his father.  Luke finds out that his father was actually a Jedi and Obi Wan offers to train as a Jedi.  Luke agrees and takes Obi Wan to a restaurant.  At the restaurant they meet Han Salo and Chewbacca.  Han and Chewy helop Luke and Obi Wan by letting them go on their ship to Alderaan.

When they get to Alderaan, they find out that it's been completely blown up.  They go to a moon and they find out that the moon is actually a space station called the Death Star.  The Death Star sucks up the Millennium Falcon and everyone in it.  They plan to rescue Princess Leia and shut off the shield generator.  Obi Wan shuts off the generator, but he runs into Darth Vader.  While the two battle, Luke finds Leia and rescues her.  They get stuck in a garbage compacter.  All of a sudden, the two walls start coming together.  Eventually, they get out.  When they get to the Millennium Falcon, Luke sees Obi Wan battling Darth Vader and sees Vader kill Obi Wan.  Luke is very upset.

The gang gets to the rebel base and plan to destroy the Death Star. By himself, Luke blows up the Death Star.  Finally, Chewbacca, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker get their awards from Princess Leia.

I enjoyed this book because it has a lot of action.  My favorite character is Han Solo.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars and recommend to those who like action books.