Monday, July 6, 2015

Survival Guide

  1. How to survive a lion encounter: when you see a lion, stand tall and put your hands above your head and look as fierce as you can.  If the lion charges, stand still, don't blink, don't move a muscle.  If a lion backs off, freeze once more, don't follow it, when it turns around, RUN. And, don't think that's the only lion.  Lions live in groups called prides.  Good luck, you're going to need it.
  2. How to survive a tiger encounter: if a tiger is far away from you, run as fast as you can.  If a tiger is close to you, stay still so it doesn't see you moving.  If you think a tiger is small, you are wrong, they are the biggest cats in the world.  If you're in a place where tigers are around, please turn your head once in awhile.  If you're with people,  stay calm you have more eyes.
  3. How to survive a shark: don't swim in an ocean after dark, sharks usually hunt at night.  Never swim where people are fishing, sharks can smell the blood of an injured fish from a hook.  If you are bleeding in the ocean, get out.  If a shark is coming at you, I know this sounds weird, but slam your fist in the shark's eye or nose.  If you do that, the shark may feel beaten. Swim out of the water immediately.  
  4. How to survive a bear encounter: always walk in a group in bear country.  If you see a bear far away, walk away slowly.  If you're camping out in bear country, hang your food up high so bears can't get it.  If a bear comes toward you, wave your hands up in the air and make a lot of noises (crow! oink! moo! quack!).  Say anything to make you sound fierce.  If that doesn't work, play dead immediately.  Never run away from a bear.  Bears are faster than humans. 
  5. How to survive a gator encounter: just so you know, crocodiles and alligators are not the same thing.  Crocodiles can grow big, but usually alligators are the biggest.  Alligators have a bigger snout for catching mammals.  Crocodiles have a skinnier snout for catching fish.  Crocs have their bottom teeth sticking out.  If you see an alligator, walk away slowly.  Mother gators will attack if they're protecting their eggs.  Back away if a gator takes interest in you.  They will attack quickly.  If it's very close to you, punch it in the nose and RUN.  
Stars: I give this book 5 out of 5 stars because it's very interesting.
Recommend: for people who will be in the wild.